5 Reasons Axelerate Belongs to the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
The Bellevue Chamber: Why You Should Belong Too!

So, you’re as busy as all get out? A million things on your mind? What? Join the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce when the chamber might mean more time away from the office? I’d like to share with you five reasons that Axelerate participates in the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce and why we feel it is not a fruitless burden on our invaluable time but rather a true benefit to our business and our lives. At Axelerate, we feel the Chamber is one of our most powerful community affiliations.
1. Relationships
It isn’t always about networking — this is about gaining friends, associates and even advocates. The people that I’ve gotten to know may or may not do business with us, but the social and emotional return in building solid, lasting relationships can be more meaningful than the financial return that is sought. Attending events, serving on committees and participating in functions outside of the normal routines, provides an incredible opportunity to interact with all types of people. This in-turn develops relationship building skills that can crossover to improve business and non-business aspects of your life as well.
2. Community Connections
The Chamber is a not-for-profit organization focused on lifting the economy and community. It works closely with governments to provide a representative business voice when needed. Participating in the Chamber provides businesses with an avenue to express their legislative policy questions directly to the legislatures. Sometimes being a good “corporate citizen” means being the community partner that the “rank-and-file” citizens expect you to be.
In addition, the Chamber is always looking for member-related news to share with the community through their own advertising networks and social media. The Chamber rarely spends money advertising itself as an organization; they spend it on advertising opportunities that benefit all members.
3. Visibility
“Out of sight, out of mind” — the age-old adage applies here. While many companies are looking to be seen in the cyber world and are doing a very good job of it, nothing sells your business better than being in front of people in a face-to-face setting. In the long run, operating a business transcends simple transactions – it is rooted in solid relationships.
In addition, the Chamber is always looking for member-related news to share with the community through their own advertising networks and social media. The Chamber rarely spends money advertising itself as an organization; they spend it on advertising opportunities that benefit all members.

In addition, the Chamber is always looking for member-related news to share with the community through their own advertising networks and social media. The Chamber rarely spends money advertising itself as an organization; they spend it on advertising opportunities that benefit all members.
Chamber events include business training luncheons, networking specific events, awards banquets, golf tournaments, city celebration events and many others. All of these events are designed to build your business in some fashion.
4. Promotion
The Chamber offers a wide-range of advertising options and sponsorship packages. We have the ability to sponsor entire programs or events through the chamber. Beyond the paid advertising options, the Chamber also provides additional business promotion options that are free through monthly and annual awards, social media, regular newsletters and even printed materials.
5. Ongoing training & education
Unless you have the luxury of a training budget or can afford to bring in local, regional or nationally known experts on different topics, there’s no other organization that delivers timely training programs and other information resources at such an affordable price as the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce. By spreading costs among fellow members through registration fees and sponsorships, members can stay updated, informed and educated at a bargain price. Business leaders are essentially enrolled in a continuing education course in business management provided through the chamber — they simply need to attend.
In summary let me first point out the importance of the word participate. Joining the Bellevue Chamber is great. We’ve stated the benefits clearly. Joining only gets you so far. Participating is the real ingredient to receiving the benefits of Chamber membership. Only through attending events, connecting with members you’ve never met before, serving on committees, and taking advantage of the advertising opportunities will your membership can become a ‘Business Enabler” rather than another calendar item you will avoid. It’s your call.